A Brief History
The Life Lease model was developed in a response to the projected new housing trends of the nineties and into the new millennium. The current demographics clearly indicate that our population is aging at an increasingly high rate. Current statistics predict a major increase in demographic of seniors 55+.
Canadian seniors are looking for a Life Style change to better suit their needs. The younger age group of "empty nesters" is looking for flexibility, low maintenance and security - leave for extended trips - no residential worries at home - no maintenance. Many older singles and couples cherish the community support provided through living in a life lease complex with common amenities.
The life lease model has been used to develop "Independent Living" housing projects and can be used to develop "Enriched Housing" projects where residential needs are supplemented by a variety of other services (laundry, light housekeeping, meals, medical services, etc.).
As experience with the life lease model grows it has become apparent that persons living in Life Lease complexes as well as those interested in such living accommodation often misunderstand the concept. Experience also reveals that the concept, in practice, has many differences from complex to complex.
Initially, Garry Brickman, Don Boehmer, and John Lohrenz, among others, in conversation, could see the need for a means of communication among life lease complexes to share ideas and concerns peculiar to life lease buildings.
After a number of exploratory discussions at meetings of life lease tenants, it was thought useful to form an association to consider various legal issues presented by The Life Leases Act and Regulations affecting life leases, consider policies followed by the Residential Tenancies Branch, and policies adopted in the different complexes regarding governance, management, and individual policies and practices.
The Manitoba Life Lease Occupants' Association was an unincorporated entity that came into being on October 4, 2005. Its membership is comprise of tenant organizations in life lease complexes who have joined together for the purposes of education, monitoring laws, and policies affecting life lease properties, and to provide a resource for tenant concerns.
Soon there were members from Brandon, Selkirk, Swan River and Winnipeg eventually exceeding 20 complexes. Efforts to locate complexes continue. (There is no registry listing them for easy identification)
As the membership of the Association grew the MLLOA Board of Directors decided to apply for incorporation. On July 09, 2024 the Manitoba Life Lease Occupants' Association was Incorporated.
The MLLOA functions under a Constitution adopted on October 4, 2005 and updated and amended periodically. The Name, Mission Statement and Purpose noted on the home page is a part of that Constitution.
Click on PDF icon below to view a copy of the MLLOA Constitution.
President | Past President | |
Mary Lou McGurran | Dave Kennedy | |
Treasurer | Events Coordinator | |
Mary Lou McGurran | Lori Blande | |
Secretary Lorraine Boily |
Member-at-Large Barbara Lange |
Mary Lou McGurran President
Email: president.mlloa@mlloa.ca
Dave Kennedy, Past President
Phone: 204-489-2838
Email: pastpresident.mlloa@mlloa.ca
Mary Lou McGurran, Treasurer
Phone: 204-956-5583
Email: treasurer.mlloa@mlloa.ca
Lori Blande
Events Coordinator
Phone: 204-488-1336
Email: specialevents@mlloa.ca
Member Recruitment
Email: recruitment.mlloa@mlloa.ca