Reserve the Date:
Round Table Information session Independent Living: Community Services and Transision Options
Date: Tuesday, December 10, 2024
Presenter: Terri Bowser
Time: 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Place: Donwood West 1460 Portage Ave, Winnipeg, MB (across from Polo Park)
MLLOA Annual General Meeting: **Completed**
Date: Thursday May 16, 2024
Time: 12:00 noon - 2:00 p.m. (doors open at 11:30 am)
Place:Masonic Memorial Centre
420 Corydon Avenue, Winnipeg, MB
We are please to confirm that The Honourable Adrein Sala, Minister of Finance, and Mr. Joseph Dunford, Deputy Minister, Consumer Protection and Government Services have accepted our invitation to bring greetings from the Province on Manitoba and to join us for the luncheon.
Also joining us is the Residential Tenancies Branch Darren Cooper, Manager, Rent Regulation, Consumer Protection and Government Services
Representatives of our Tenant Associations are encouraged to attend, and all residents of MLLOA member buildings are welcome. Please encourage your neighbours to join us. It will be an opportunity for us to gather together and learn about what the MLLOA has accomplished during the past year and what we have planned for the future - and to introduce members of our Life Lease community to our special guests.
Annual General Meeting:
2024 General Annual Meeting was held on May 16, 2024 at the Masonic Memorial Centre 420 Corydon Ave. Winnipeg MB. Time 12:00 P.M.
The AGM was well attended by the membership with a very good representation of members from rural Manitoba. Members were greeted by special Guests the Honorable Adrien Sala Minister of Finance for the province of Manitoba along with the Deputy Minister Mr. Joseph Dunford, Consumer Protection and Government Services. The members also had the pleasure of meeting and speaking with Mr. Darren Cooper, Manager, Rent Regulation, Consumer Protection and Government Services from the Resitential Tenancies Branch.
Executive Meeting:
In person monthly meetings have resumed and date and time of next meeting is set at the end of each meeting.
Should you wish to attend a meeting please contact Mary-Lou McGurran at:
Round Table Discussions:
Our series of informational seminars on a wide variety of topics that are of particular interest to our members have been an important part of the service we provide. Held an average of three times per year, all events were planned to include professional speakers with expertise in the subject of the program, and all residents of our member buildings have been welcome to attend.
Consultation with Residential Tenancy (RTB)
Consultation round with RTB is complete and their proposed changes have been submitted to government.
Communications from Government
Small Group Consultation with Member Facilities:
Several group consultations have been held. Substantial differences in the corporate, management and cultural environments have been noted among members participating in the consultations. A survey of members is being developed in order to record many of these differences in a clear and understandable format.